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Friday, November 30, 2012

in a corresponding fashion

In Defence of Moralizing High Technology
Modern societies are more and more becoming technical. The revolution in computer usage is a major contributor to this state of affairs. But this technicality has its demerits despite its huge advantages. While technical societies confer the enormous benefits of modernity and admirable sophistication on life, they also bring about the doubtful benefit of restructuring individual and group psyche in a technical fashion. The habit of "technicalizing" ways of doing things may ease work, access to information, and social goods as we can see with information technology. Nevertheless, the psyche does not sustain its privileged independence when technology pervades the society. The psyche,I'm angry at my daughter, indeed, tends to lose such independence on matters that include its comprehension of what ought to constitute the most appropriate education for the individual. Due to the excessive and unrestrained barrage of technical phenomena on the sensory receptacles, the psyche, thereby, registers new information on its structure, a kind of information that happens to succumb to the all-too-powerful technical structure of the external environment. Once the psyche is restructured in such fashion, it impinges on the movement of life in general.
Thus, a vigorous conditioning of the psyche can easily arise from the psyche's constant interaction with an external environment that is itself being progressively conditioned in an unduly technical way.
For example, a man can feel that his prized talent is being wasted because pursuing it would not land him a secured success in life. Deep down the structure of his psyche, he can realize that an academic pursuit in world religions is what can grant him the best performance. Yet, he quenches any hope of studying such subject(s), mindful of how a technical society such as his has very little use for religions compared to, say, information technology, engineering, medicine, law, accounting, and such like. He strives to enroll in an information technology program whereupon his competitive advantage happens to be weak. What he has done is not personal carelessness. He has been compelled to pursue this line of action; otherwise, his future financial survival could be put at risk.
The matrix of formal education gets revised whenever marked technological changes permeate the society, and one has no choice but to program one's sense or understanding of academic pursuit in a direction that may not have any bearing on one's identifiable talent. But formal education does not have to be technical, nor does it have to focus on the arts or social sciences. Formal education has to offer the individual the full opportunity to choose for himself/herself what can project the spirit of genuine advancement without needless societal constraints. This can bring the best in each person and, at the same time, update stakeholders about the desirable programs that can be established or revised to further enhance the quality of formal education.
The practice (by stakeholders) of letting individuals restructure their educational choices in line with prioritized programs imperils academic democracy. It hints that a technical society is overtly prejudicial in its grasp of what is productive formal education. Yet, it is the unbridled educational choices of individuals that have to decide the structure of programs stakeholders wish or want to establish. Plurality of ideas are spawned from a people who are capable of demonstrating, in a corresponding fashion, plurality of choices in the fields of science and technology, the human sciences, the liberal arts, and other forms of education. Unless this kind of academic democracy is respected, whatever is construed as democracy tends to lose not only its conceptual clarity but,feedback, also,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots, its practical efficacy.
The mainstream thinking that technical expertise has to be rewarded far more than other kinds of expertise undermines the free, far more comfortable choices, which, otherwise, a large class of individuals would have preferred to channel their untapped skills. A technical mindset, much as it promotes technical sophistication in the doing of things, may fall into the trap of viewing reality in a regimented fashion if such mindset is not ready and capable of appraising a kinship with, at least, the human sciences or/and liberal arts. Technicalities are great, but they have weak points when valued from the perspective of humanism.
I have grown to derive a new kind of pleasure from my technical society. I can access all kinds of information around the world from my unrestrained, privileged access to my personal computer's internet. I see a special connection between myself and my computer, a connection as strong as can be compared to the inseparable bond between glorious married couples. Indeed, my computer has become my best friend even though a computer does not possess the moralized charm that a human being, filled with a psyche, a body, and continuous physical movement in space and time does possess. But this is where the problem resides: I have abandoned the once wide social field from which I could physically connect with numerous friends and enhance my understanding of all kinds of people as a means to humanize my moral fiber. I have become a technical agent squeezed of much of the moral dross that used to connect me to others in a wide social field. In short, my social vision has been badly truncated while my technical vision has been gladly amplified. Life fashioned in this way is not proper since one of the essential attributes of a person indeed a dominant attribute is his/her being a social entity.
High technology keeps isolating a large class of human beings from engaging in wide physical relationships crucial for sensitizing especially the social aspects of life. One can prefer to shut oneself from the social field of human agents and artificially create one's own microcosmic world. But this is a fundamental weakness of high technology since it tends to hack into pieces the communitarian spirit so important for understanding diverse human beings and developing measures from time to time that can bridge the unpalatable chasm between different cultures. As humans, we appear to be far more programmed in our lifestyles and thinking than before; and we also appear to be rejecting our moralizing role as social architects who have to proceed in life with godly consciences even as we continually devise advanced technological strategies to cope with the growing pressures of a shrinking natural environment.
High technology is not the issue. We need high technology to live within the limits of the natural environment; but we cannot live properly if high technology severs the moral foundations of societies. In any field of human endeavour formal education, social, economic, political, and moral life the ease with which high technology has penetrated marks a decisive point in the progress of humanity.
Progress has to be sound in all possible respects; and stakeholders have to devise inexorable policies couched in the statement that there ought to be a logical connection between high technology and morality in all spheres of life,Are you letting life just happen. And on the strength of this logic, one can also claim that the craving for universal high technology necessitates a craving for universal morality.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

9.When listening to a person you make eye contact 70% of the time.

Am I Communicating With Respect? 10 Steps To Communicating Respectfully by Anne Warfield
In order to improve communication with others you need to make sure you are always conveying that you respect them as a person. Sadly, I must say I often see this trait missing especially between employees and managers.
Here is a quick test that will help you know if you always convey that you respect the other person. Give yourself a point for all the ones you do consistently.
1,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots,attitude.You bring pen and paper to meetings and take notes to show your interest and the importance of what is being said.
2.You respond to all phone calls and emails within 24 hours even if it is only to say you will not have an answer until later.
3.You sit up with your shoulders back, plant your feet firmly and make eye contact during meetings and discussions.
4.With management, you appropriately challenge ideas always looking at what can be done to improve things. You never challenge by saying things are "stupid," "won't work," or by rolling your eyes.
5.You realize that bottom line your job is to support upper management in reaching the company's vision. Therefore, you take it upon yourself to look at what you need from your manager in order to do your job better taking full responsibility for your job.
6.You do not interrupt while others are talking.
7.During arguments or heated discussions you repeat back what you think the other person said before you say your piece. That way you avoid misunderstandings or reading in to what the other person said.
8.Any disagreement you have with a person you take straight to him/her rather than gossip about it behind their back.
9.When listening to a person you make eye contact 70% of the time.
10.You believe that people are trying to do their best.
9-10 points You really try to make everyone you come in contact with feel valued. You are probably targeted as a leader and someone that people look up to.
7-8 points You will be respectful of those you feel deserve it but sometimes may be seen as not a team player. People may see you as "hot or cold."
6 or less You probably come off as a person with a "chip on their shoulder." People are more likely to take what you say negatively because they feel you don't respect them so they are not going to want to respect you,If "working" on mindfulness isn't working for you. I recommend that you look at whether you are in the right workplace for you or if you need to find an environment where you can show a greater degree of respect for others,pressure. Life is too short not to be happy at work.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Most vegetables are important sources of minerals

Being Healthy Is More than Being Physically Fit
Keeping a yourself healthy emotionally, physically, and spiritually will help you build develop a happy, productive life. Studies were done and it was found that people who volunteer,Or a winner, go to church, or belong to a club are more likely to have better health than people who don't engage in social activities on a routine basis.
Complete health is not just achieved by eating right, exercising and sleeping properly. These are important factors in helping to live a healthy life emotionally, physically and spiritually. Many people use prayer or spiritual healing when ill. People facing some type of illness often turn to religion for help and strength. Many people believe that having strong religious beliefs can help someone recover from sickness and retain good health
I believe we need to take care of ourselves not just spiritually and religiously but we need to take care of ourselves physically also. The way we take care ff ourselves affects us in many ways. When I started to take care of myself physically, I began to notice an increase in my energy level. Before then I was lacking energy, feeling fatigue. I was feeling sleepy. When I started to focus on my health and began to take better care of myself, I felt more emotionally Stable and spiritually in touch with myself. I understood myself even better.
I felt so proud of myself. Physically I looked like a new person and spiritually I felt like a new person. My self -esteem rose immensely. By feeling and looking healthy you begin to see yourself as a desirable individual about whom who you can feel proud. Once you start to feel proud of yourself, you will begin to feel like no task is too hard for you to achieve.
I began to realize the importance of taking care of myself. Years ago, I went to the doctor
I was feeling fatigue and sluggish. My doctor told me that I was overweight for my height and built. I was twenty two, five foot two and 146 pounds. The doctor said, if I lost the weight I would feel better about myself both mentally and physically. By losing the weight, I would help overcome my fatigue and help myself emotionally, physically and spiritually. Personally, I was unhappy with my physical appearance. At this point, I realized that I could no longer let myself get any heavier.
The first thing I did to help myself get physically back into shape was change my eating habits. If I were going to lose weight and get back into shape, I needed to change the way I consumed food. I love to eat, just like most people. I had an appetite for fatty foods, sweets, ham and eggs, cream cheese and other good foods that are not so good for the body. Pay attention to what your eating and eliminate any foods that are unhealthy and do not agree with your body. Everybody's metabolism is different, so you need to eat healthy foods that work best for you. For example, my body reacts well to carbohydrates whereas my husband's body retains much water if he ingests too many carbohydrates into his system.
I began eating mostly proteins and eliminated fatty foods as best I could. You need some fats in your meal plan, but make sure they are the right types of fats. Be careful with the fat-free foods they have on the market. They may have zero fat grams, but the amount of calories could be just as bad as a fatty food with many fat grams in it. To make the fat-free foods taste good they use a lot of sugar, which causes you to gain weight.
If you are at a weight that you are content with, then you should continue to eat healthy to maintain that weight and to keep in shape. Everything you put in your body affects your epilepsy. You should try to stabilize the amount of calories you consume each day after you decide the amount of calories you want to eat.
I stopped eating any cheeses unless they were fat-free. I stopped using any types of breads or other food products that had a high fat content. The bad thing about bread is that, breads make you feel full. When it goes into your body,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots, it turns into sugar and increase your appetite. Soon you become hungry and want to eat again. Chinese food is high in carbohydrates, and has the same effect. The calories keep adding up and the salt in the food makes you extremely bloated. You should read the food labels when you shop in a grocery store. I ate many fat-free foods that were low in calories. I made sure that the product I was buying had little sugar and sodium in it. This was step number one to getting me back on the right track. I tried to eat as few fat grams as possible in a day.
Drinking water is an important step to eating healthy. I made sure I drank as much water as my body could consume, which is important. You are trying to get your body back into shape and lose weight Water helps you flush all those unwanted impurities out of your system. The human body contains fifty to 70% water. Because water does not remain stored in the body, we must replace it continually. Water contains no fat grams or calories and is one of the healthiest fluids to drink. Adults must consume two to three liters of some form of liquid each day.
When I became hungry during the day, I made sure I ate healthy snacks such as bananas and yogurt. I cut out all the bad foods, such as the chips, ice cream, cakes, etc. I would have healthy meats such as chicken and turkey. Meats contain many valuable nutrients among them is protein. However, be careful also because meat also contains cholesterol.
I cut down on the mayonnaise, ketchup and all the foods that put on weight and hold water. It helped also when I ate slowly. By eating slowly, I would enjoy the meal more and not eat as much.
I made sure I also ate breakfast in the morning. I noticed that when I did not eat breakfast, I would eat more during the day or at dinnertime. You want to avoid eating big dinners because the food lies on your stomach later in the evening and you do not burn as many calories. The food just lies there in your stomach. My daily diet consisted of a healthy breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner and a light snack. I felt fulfilled and I lost thirty pounds!
Losing the weight helped me because I was able decrease the medication I was taking. After I began to lose weight, my urge to eat decreased and I felt better about myself emotionally and physically. My body was feeling better and spiritually I felt my inner self began to feel at peace.
The Different Food Groups
Fat Oils and Sweets
Milk, Yogurt and the Cheese Group
Dry Beans, Eggs and Nut Group
Vegetables and Fruit Group Starches, Grains, Pasta, Rice, Bread and Cereal
The bread cereal group includes all breads and cereals that are whole grain, enriched, or restored. All cereals are very high in starch, and they are good, generally inexpensive sources of energy. The fat content of cereal products generally is very low unless the germ is included. Whole grain products contribute significant quantities of fiber and such trace vitamins and minerals as pantothenic acid, vitamin E, zinc, copper, manganese, and molybdenum.
Most vegetables are important sources of minerals, vitamins, and cellulose. Certain vegetables, such as potatoes, contribute appreciable quantities of starch. Large amounts of the minerals calcium and iron are in vegetables, particularly beans, peas, and broccoli. Vegetables also help meet the body's need for sodium, chloride, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium. Carotenes (the precursor of vitamin A) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are abundant in many vegetables. Vegetables are useful as sources of roughage.
The nutritional value of fruits varies. Some fruits are composed largely of water, but contain valuable vitamins. The citrus fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C, and yellow colored fruits, such as peaches, contain carotene. Dried fruits contain an ample amount of iron, and figs and oranges are an excellent source of calcium. Like vegetables, fruits have high cellulose content.
The milk group includes milk and milk products, cheese, and ice cream. Milk is a complete protein food containing several protein complexes. It also contains important amounts of most nutrients, but it is very low in iron and ascorbic acid and low in niacin. Calcium and phosphorus levels in milk are very high. Vitamin A levels are high in whole milk, but this fat soluble vitamin is removed in the production of skim milk. Riboflavin is present in significant quantities in milk unless the milk has been exposed to light.
The meat and meat substitutes group includes beef; veal; lamb; pork; organ meats such as liver, heart, and kidney; poultry and eggs; fish and shellfish; and dried peas, beans, and nuts. The meat group contains many valuable nutrients. One of its main nutrients is protein, but meat also contains cholesterol, which is believed to contribute to coronary artery disease. The minerals copper, iron, and phosphorus occur in meats in significant amounts, particularly iron and copper in liver. Different meats vary in their vitamin content. Liver usually contains a useful amount of vitamin A. Thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, all B vitamins, occur in significant amounts in all meats.
Other Foods such as, butter, margarine, other fats, oils, sugars, or unnourished refined grain products are included in the diet to round out meals and satisfy the appetite. Fats, oils, and sugars are added to other foods during preparation of the meal or at the table. These foods supply calories and can add to total nutrients in meals.
For many years the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued dietary guidelines based on four basic food groups meat and meat substitutes, fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, and grains, including bread and cereals and a balanced diet would include at least one food from each group in each meal every day.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommended that people eat a variety of foods daily, including fruits; vegetables; whole and enriched grain products; dairy products; meats, poultry, fish, and eggs; and dried peas and beans,and maybe we could meet for a drink sometime. When I asked if he was seeing someone. While recognizing that certain people (for example, pregnant women, the elderly, and infants) have special nutritional needs, the report stressed that for most people the greater the variety of foods eaten, the less likely is a deficiency or excess of any single nutrient to develop.
The report emphasized that people should increase their consumption of complex carbohydrates fruits, vegetables, and other unrefined foods and naturally occurring sugars. It also recommended reducing the consumption of refined and processed sugars. It encouraged a reduction in fat consumption by decreasing the amount of fatty meats and replacing foods that have saturated fats with those having unsaturated fats. A reduction in the sodium intake by decreasing the amount of salt added to food was also recommended.
Research findings on nutrition, in the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services changed the daily diet recommendations from the square of the four food groups to a food pyramid, with foods that should be eaten more often at the base, and those used less frequently at the top. The emphasis is on consuming less of the group's meat and meat substitutes, dairy products, and oils and fats, and more of the breads and cereals, and fruits and vegetables. When properly followed the food pyramid teaches the use of a wide variety of food items, moderation in total food intake, and proportionality among the food groups to ensure adequate nutrient intake.
Vitamins are carbon containing substances that are required for normal metabolism but are not synthesized in the body. They are obtained, from such outside sources as food and water or are administered orally or intravenously. Exceptions to this definition include vitamin D, which is synthesized in the body to a limited extent, and vitamins B (12) and K, which are synthesized by bacterial flora in the intestinal tract. Minerals also must be obtained from outside sources. Minerals such as calcium, iodine, and iron are an essential part of all cells and body fluids and enter many functions.
Vitamins and minerals function as "cofactors" in the metabolism of products in the body. Most aspects of bodily metabolism proceed with the aid of specific enzymes, but if additional catalysts were not present for example, the cofactor vitamins and minerals the reactions would proceed so slowly that they would be ineffective.
Vitamin A has many important functions in the body that relate to membrane integrity, especially of epithelial cells and mucous membranes. It is also essential for bone growth, reproduction, and embryonic development.
Vitamin D primarily regulates calcium metabolism by determining the movement of calcium from intestines to blood and from blood to bone. It interacts with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin in controlling calcium levels. Thus, vitamin D is today more legitimately considered a hormone rather than a vitamin.
Vitamin E is considered to have possible value in decreasing the risk of cancer; it has shown little therapeutic value in other diseases. Fortunately, it is relatively nontoxic. Vitamin K is essential for synthesis by the liver of several factors necessary for the clotting of blood. A wide variety of vegetables, egg yolk, liver, and fish oils contain this vitamin.
With the exception of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), water soluble vitamins belong mainly to what has been termed the B complex of vitamins. The better known B vitamins are thiamine (B (1)), riboflavin (B (2)), niacin (B (3)), pyridoxine (B (6)), pantothenic acid, lecithin, choline, inositol, and paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA). Two other members are folic acid and cyanocobalamin (B (12)). Yeast and liver are natural sources of most of these vitamins.
Thiamine, the first B vitamin functions as a coenzyme in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate and is important in carbohydrate intermediary metabolism.
Riboflavin (B (2) serves as coenzymes for a wide variety of respiratory proteins (see metabolism).
Vitamin B (6), functions in human metabolism in the conversion processes of amino acids, including decarboxylation, transamination, and racemization.
In the body folic acid is converted to folinic acid (5 formyl tetrahydrofolic acid), the coenzyme form, which accepts 1 carbon units important in the metabolism of many body compounds. Nucleic acid synthesis cannot take place without the presence of folic acid.
Vitamin B (12), almost all organisms need this vitamin but only in very small amounts. For vitamin C, a sufficient daily intake of fresh orange juice provides enough of the vitamin for most purposes. The body's requirements for calcium are generally met by eating or drinking dairy products, especially milk. Most calcium (90 percent) is stored in bone, with a constant exchange occurring among blood, tissue, and bone.
Iron is a vital component of hemoglobin and of certain respiratory enzymes. Foods high in iron content include meat (liver and heart), egg yolk, wheat germ, and most green vegetables. The average diet contains 10 to 15 mg a day, adequate for most people.
Magnesium is an essential element in human metabolism and functions in the activities of muscles and nerves, protein synthesis, and many other reactions. Fluorine as fluoride is a requirement to bind calcium in bones. Micro amounts of such elements as boron, chromium, chlorine, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, silicon, sulfur, and vanadium are considered necessary to health.
Normal diets appear to provide adequate amounts of trace minerals, but effects such as the linking of high levels of fructose in the diet with copper deficiency problems are the subject of ongoing research. Vitamins and minerals are an important factor to keeping yourself healthy.
When I started incorporating vitamins into my daily schedule, I began noticing a change in the way I felt physically. When I started eating healthily, I started using a variety of vitamins and herbs that were suppose to be helpful for epilepsy disorders. The vitamins I used were L Taurine L tyrosine(amino acids), vitamin B6 and B12, calcium and folic acid. They called an herb that I also had tried a black cohosh. Black cohosh is an eastern North American perennial herb Cimicifuga racemosa. It has a powerful action as a relaxant and a normalizer of the female reproductive system. It may be used in cases of painful or delayed menstruation, ovarian cramps or cramping pain in the womb. It has a normalizing action on the balance of female sex hormones and may be used safely to regain normal hormonal activity. It is used often for the treatment of neurological pain. As a relaxing nervine, it may be used in many situations where such an agent is needed.
Medical research has not proven that these vitamins and herbs stop seizures. Nevertheless, they have been used for decades and said to be beneficial. I still have the same amount of seizures (two to three a month), but I have noticed an increase in my energy. I also had a couple of incidents when I was about to go into an aura. For the first time, I could work with my body and stop myself from having an aura or petite mal seizure by using relaxation exercises. I took deep breaths and slowly released the air through my mouth as I thought positive thoughts.
I have recently incorporated an extra iron vitamin into my diet. Remember, if you decide to use vitamins as a part of your daily diet than it is always safe to discuss it first with your doctor.
I believe exercise can help control seizures. Epilepsy does not stop you from being athletic and keeping your body in shape. Some of the greatest athletes had epilepsy. French cyclist Marion Clignet won a silver medal in the 1996 Olympics. Hal Lanier, a former shortstop with the San Francisco Giant; Greg Walker, a former first baseman with the Chicago White Sox, and Buddy Bell, who played seventeen seasons of professional baseball before retiring in 1988, all reportedly had epilepsy as did basketball player Bobby Jones, who played for the Denver Nuggets and Philadelphia 76ers. Exercise helps to build or maintain strength and endurance and to make the body healthier. Exercising is good because it also helps you spiritually. Exercise has both physical and psychological benefits. Regular exercise helps develop muscle tone and strength and control weight. Besides strengthening the muscles, including the heart, regular exercise is believed to make bones stronger by increa!
sing calcium uptake.
Exercise would be extremely beneficial for all individuals, especially for epileptics' who have been using Tegretol for many years. The main problems associated with Tegretol are that it causes your bones to ache. Exercise reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Psychologically, regular exercise contributes to a feeling of well-being, and relieves stress. It helps you to feel at peace with yourself. In a study reported in the professional journal Epilepsia, conducted at the department of psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham exercise proved to have a positive effect on the lives of a hundred and thirty-three people with epilepsy. Fifty-four of them were men and seventy-nine of them were women. Those who exercise intensely at least three times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes reported fewer problems with depression and stress.
Another study was done on how exercise effects epileptics were done at the University of Sport and Physical Education. In these, study fifteen Norwegian women with drug-resistant epilepsy spent fifteen weeks taking exercise classes twice a week for an hour. They combined aerobic dancing with strength training and stretching. The median number of seizures decreased from 2.9 to 1.7 during the experimental exercise phase. The women also had fewer health complaints, such as muscle pains, sleep problems and fatigue.
People who exercise are regularly more likely to continue exercise throughout their lives. Once I got into the habit of exercising, it no longer became a chore. Exercising became a physical activity that I enjoyed doing in my spare time. I made sure that I scheduled my days so I would at least have three to four days of exercise. Exercising should take place at least every other day foe a period of fifteen to sixty minutes.
I enjoy walking, floor aerobics, weights and working on the machines. I would work out a little each day and exercise with the TV or the radio. Whatever motivated me then, but remember before you begin any exercise program you should check with your doctor first.
When I exercised, it made me feel good inside. Exercise should be some activity that you can do that would not strain your body. It can be walking, jogging, running, aerobics, bench stepping, hiking, jazzercise, bodybuilding, swimming,000 students and teachers., dance or anything that you enjoy. You should do some kind of exercise to keep your body in shape. The older you become the more important is to exercise. Exercise affects the aging body, helping to maintain fitness and slow down the physical effects of aging. If not properly exercised, the aging body can develop problems in the muscles, bones and cardiovascular system. As you get older, your muscles begin to wither away and lose their tone, leading to more frequent tearing of the tendons in the muscles. Your bones become weak and brittle, fracturing easily and more often. Therefore, it is important that you take responsibility and keep yourself in good shape

Monday, November 26, 2012

showing up in the way people interact with one another and handle different situations.

Law Of Attraction Tip: What We Can Learn From Our Scars by Maria Meiners
Several years ago when the kids were younger,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots, I remember walking out on the back deck find them and their friends comparing scars. In turn they proudly pointed out each one, telling the story about how it came to be. I went about my business, half listening and smiling at how the stories got progressively more dramatic (and less factual) as the kids tried to one-up each other.
The truth is that everyone has scars and we all react to them differently. Some people wear their scars as badges of honor and they love to tell and re-tell the stories about how they came about. Others don't like their scars, feeling embarrassed or even disfigured by them,Grab All The Responsibilities You Can Handle. And we all have those deep, emotional scars that we try to hide from everyone - even ourselves.
Of course physical scars seem most apparent because we can see and touch them,Heaven Luck. But if we pay attention emotional scars become apparent too, showing up in the way people interact with one another and handle different situations.
Scars tell the story of where we've been and they can give us insight into who we are today. By understanding our scars and the way they still affect us, we can begin to move forward toward creating the kind of life we want to live.
One thing that helps with this is remembering that the memories surrounding a scar's origin blurs and fades with time until we are left with elements of truth mixed in with a bit of imagination. Just knowing that we are looking back at an incomplete view of the past can be very freeing as it enables us to be open to possibilities and aspects that we may not have been aware of before.
And though it doesn't always happen,1. Send a handwritten note or letter that expresses your thankfulness., sometimes it is possible to turn ugly, painful scars into badges of honor.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

and greater productivity. This means less absenteeism

Physical And Mental Clutter Causes Workplace Stress by Colette Robicheau
Stress management is now being accepted as an integral part of any workplace wellness program. Those who report a consistent level of stress in their lives are twice as likely to become depressed. Programs seek to reduce stress on employees by evaluating and changing corporate structure, policies, leadership style and culture, as well as, working one-on-one with employees dealing with organizing their office, time management skills and work/home balance. "Lack of control over daily tasks" was listed as one of the top ten factors of workplace stress,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots. Becoming more organized at work leads to reduced stress,however the boss might react, better coping abilities, and greater productivity. This means less absenteeism, quicker turn around on jobs and better quality of work.
Many workers today experience increasing demands on their time and less control. Gaining a sense of control helps reduce stress, which helps improve health. So how can we help employees gain control?
Evaluate corporate culture
Eliminate stressors
Stabilize the office environment
Provide resources
Provide pay and benefits at a consistent rate
Reduce the amount of worry about family responsibilities
Keep scents out of the office
Allow employees to set up their desk in a way they feel most comfortable
Encourage workers who have a cold or flu to stay home and recuperate
The other side is empowering the employee to change their behaviors to reduce stress and gain control. This is where the workplace wellness comes into play. Employees can be empowered to take control by:
Offering coaching, training, and one-on-one sessions to help employees identify goals and prioritize projects
Giving employees the skills to break down large projects,pictures and contents for individuals seeking alternative encounters., organize their desktops and file systems, and manage their email
Saving time looking for papers, missed deadlines
Reducing piles of paper-Paper collects dust and mildew and can become an obstacle to mobility in the office
Schedule proper breaks and lunches - allow for social time
Take stretching breaks throughout the day
Remember, both employers and employees share the responsibility for a healthy work environment,This is an area that can also be neglected. For employees, taking control of your health at work may be as simple as making small changes in your daily routine. For example, nurture your mind and body with a good breakfast after a sufficient night's sleep. Take short stretch breaks throughout the day to reduce stress and improve your productivity. For employers, organize lunchtime or after work exercise programs for you and your employees. Not only will you and your workers benefit, but your company will be sure to flourish too. Any wellness program that is initiated must leave an impression that lasts beyond the program itself. The savings in health costs, turnaround and lost productivity associated with stress, clutter and lack of control make offering these services for employees priceless.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

reading and arithmetic

Life Long Learning and Interview Skills by Vincent Stevenson
When I first started work in the late seventies, you could finish one job on a Friday,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots, go down to the employment exchange on Monday and start your next job on the Tuesday. It was that easy.
I remember those days vividly, it seemed to take a long time for anything to happen. It was rather dull actually, but because that's the way it was, and it was all that we knew, very few people could be bothered to challenge the status quo.
The world has moved on a great deal and experienced incredible change both socially and economically. The global economy, immigration, technical progress and innovation - too much change some would say,The Lion In The Marble by Jane Derry.
Changing and changing fast to this new reality is the only way to survive.
I am very proud of the work that I do now and as well as my overall achievements since I left school. What a journey it has been!
I was lucky. I went to an excellent school with teachers who cared and it was a super atmosphere in which to learn. Education is the most wonderful gift and the best experience open to man, and something of a privilege in this sometimes unfair world.
Interestingly (apart from writing, reading and arithmetic), very little I learnt at school is relevant to my work as a speaker and trainer. The work scene has so enormously changed that it's imperative to adapt and reskill many times to remain employable.
A prime task in interview coaching is making this sometimes painful point. Some skills have an incredibly short shelf life. For example,As the time to leave approached, when you chose a university course in ICT that lasts 4 years, 50% of the content is obsolete by the end of it. Learning, personal development and communication skills have never been so highly valued as they are today. Your commitment to self-development at your own expense and in your own time is a certain method of attracting your prospective employer's attention.
Naturally, there is no guarantee that your extra curricular activities will land you that excellent job, but it's certainly worth developing,Focus and Context, putting on your CV and discussing at the interview.
Copyright (c) 2010 The College Of Public Speaking

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Here are some examples

Fulfill Promises You Make to Yourself
I believe innately we all do our best. We work with the tools available to us at the moment. With that in mind, a lot of us do let one person down a lot..look in the mirror. Yes that is the person. We do try. Yet often we fall short of the commitments we have promised ourselves..
Here are some examples (from my own life). I am going to lose 20 lbs., this month,AARP Director of 50+ Workforce Issues and a specialist in senior career issues, this is my last cigarette--for sure, I am going to exercise every morning from now on, no more sweets,listening to the barking chorus that followed us even 3, etc,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots.
There is a common theme is all these affirmations. They expect a lot, some were 100% or nothing. So what did I do, I FAILED! I let myself down. Over and over again.
I had the best of intentions, yet most of the time I FAILED. This was recorded by my ego, so the next time I tried something I always heard "Sure you said that before, and look what happened". And I knew the voice was right.
Until,aren't you, I discovered a trick. I started only committing to projects I knew I could do, and would do, no more. And you know what, I succeeded every time! My life changed! I felt so good. And, I was fulfilling my dreams.
Example: I wanted to get the hardwood floors redone in my house. Instead of committing to getting it done (I had been thinking about this for a year already!) I made a commitment to call some professionals and get a phone estimate within one week. Well, not only did I call and get the phone estimate, I had set up an appointment for someone to come to my home to examine the floors. I had set a goal and not only did I attain it, I was a super achiever.
I really got it. I now set small and attainable goals and I always succeed. Of course there is an option to achieve more, but that is now an option. (Another upside, less stress.)
I now "keep my word" to myself. NO more sense of guilt or failure. And it was so simple. In fact I overlooked it for years opting to "struggle", and try so hard.
* By setting small attainable goals the hardwood floors were refinished in one month
Mary Kay Buttery, 2005
A goal properly set is halfway reached. "Zig Ziglar"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

10. Be the change you seek - Ok

Top 10 Tips To Live Your Best Life by Valery Satterwhite
If you're not already living your best life its time to do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around. I challenge you to put your whole self in!
Here are 10 tips to get you headed in your highest and best direction:
1. Be Real: To the extent you struggle is to the extent you're living underneath the layers upon layers of unrealistic expectations and conditioning. Pull yourself out by remembering whom you admired as a child (real or fictional). What did this person or character represent to you? You share the very same attributes and values? How do I know? You always love a mirror reflection of yourself. Show up each and every day expressing the essence of the person you admired more,resentful, the person you were born to become.
2. Be Truthful - Now that you've reconnected with the magnificent person you really are, show up each and every day as that presence instead of that which you once thought you 'should be'. Say no to whatever needs saying no to. Say yes to what your heart longs to say yes to. Think, speak and act in alignment with your truth - no matter what anyone else has to say or think about it.
3. Be in Charge - Tell Your Inner Critic: "Hear ya, not gonna be ya". Its time to reclaim the power you've given to your woefully misguided Inner Critic. Instead of accepting its worries,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots, woes and fears as truth, vigorously challenge your inner status quo. Reach for new perspectives - ones that support you rather than tear you down.
4. Be Aware - Walk your path "In Search of Truth (and some pointy boots)" - You don't have to 'walk like a camel' to discern what's real from what's blindly assumed or made up babblecrap. The more you search for truth understanding in what challenges you the more you shine light on the dark areas where you once stumble around.
5. Be Responsible - Live your life as the powerful creator of all you experience. Events in and of themselves are merely events. How you experience the moments of your life is entirely your responsibility. You get to choose how you respond. Will you crawl under the bed or will you rise above? Trust your self even if you're not sure. Your outcomes are entirely yours to create,and use your natural strengths and talents to guide you through any challenges..
6. Be Energized - Pay attention to what sucks the life energy right out of you. Start with your tolerations - the things and circumstances you have in your life that you wish you didn't have. Turn what drags you down into what feeds your soul by focusing on what you can do instead of what you can't do. Let go of what no longer serves you.
7. Be Loving - To yourself and others. Take good care of yourself first so you have the resources to help others. If you're gasping for air, you're of no use to anyone else. Anything rooted in negativity will have a lousy outcome. Allow love to be your generative force in all your choices and actions. You'll like the end result. I promise you.
8. Be Compassionate - Everyone is doing the best they can with the light they have to see. Including you. Some people may be missing a few batteries in their flashlight. Still they're navigating the twists and turns of life to the best of their ability such as it is. While you may not condone the act, have compassion for the person wherever he or she is on their personal path. Including you.
9. Be Masterful - you were not born to be a victim of your circumstance. You are here to create and master your opportunities. Even if you've fallen flat on your face you might as well find and claim the gift in the lesson learned. Apply that lesson going forward. Step more fully into your spotlight.
10,acquire a new skill. Be the change you seek - Ok, I admit it. I stole this one from Gandhi. Be the shining example of what you'd like to see improved in your life. As you change you inspire change in those who are blessed by your presence. Touch someone's heart with your smile.
Perhaps you've realized by now the key to living an extraordinary life is more about BEING than DOING. Pay attention to how you show up in the world each and every day. Be the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

as the psychologists like to say.

Do Feng Shui Remedies Really Work?
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that has been practised for thousands of years. It is based on the idea that there should be a "balance" or harmony in the world. Everything around us has its proper place. If something is out of place and the balance is disturbed, this disruption can materialize as a feeling of uneasiness in the people around it, or as violence or lack of prosperity in the area.
Feng Shui, in all its various forms, acts to restore that balance and harmony. This balance can be in difference ways, such as health, prosperity, wealth and love. And a lot of it really works. The cities of Hong Kong and Singapore are prosperous capitals compared to their neighbors because they are located in places where the Feng Shui is perfect for a bustling metropolis. Even the house of Bill Gates, richest man in the world, is said to be located in the perfect location in the hills to bring its owner great wealth.
But why does Feng Shui not work for some people? In order to answer that,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots, we need to look at its history.
Feng Shui originated from ancient China, a land that developed other skills and arts such as medicine, martial arts and the origins of chemical warfare,"What does SHE know that I don't know. The knowledge of these skills were highly priced, and the masters of these skills understandably did not want their secrets to be known to others,Overcome your Inattentiveness, for fear that the knowledge could be used for wrong purposes, or that the masters would lose their status and prestige once the knowledge became commonplace.
It is therefore expected that the masters might not have handed down all of their knowledge to their students. These students might have compiled whatever knowledge they had, and guessed the remainder that they did not learn from the masters. Some of these students were geniuses, able to replicate the miracles their masters had performed. Others were not so skilled, but used whatever knowledge they had to make a living for themselves. This scenario, when applied to Feng Shui,"I'm happy, explains the various schools of Feng Shui that exist today. Some schools do work wonders, but there are also those that produce very little tangible effect.
There are many people who call themselves Feng Shui masters these days, more so now with the growth of the internet. So how do we tell which ones can really help you? Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do. After all, someone can say they are a master of a reputable school of Feng Shui even though they are merely charlatans. The best thing we can do is to find someone who has had their lives improved via Feng Shui, and get the name of the Feng Shui practitioner who helped them.
However, another important aspect of getting Feng Shui to work is your belief in it. Just like the idols of the ancient Aztecs and the Cross of the Christians, Feng Shui figurines and artefacts act as "focuses". It will work if you believe in it.
For example, in modern pharmaceutical tests, the researchers always say that a drug is successful because it worked on a large percentage (say 75%) of their test subjects. But what about the other 25%? If the drug really works, why didn't it work for them? It could be that their body's physiology was different. But in most of the cases, the reason is psychological. If you truly believe that the medicine will not cure you, it won't, no matter how good it is. "It's all in your mind", as the psychologists like to say.
The same goes for Feng Shui. If you buy a Feng Shui figurine but think it's just some voodoo magic that probably won't work anyway, I can assure you that it won't work for you. You need to have faith in it. If you believe that Feng Shui can help you improve your life, it will.
For more information on Feng Shui, you can visit this Feng Shui page:

Friday, November 9, 2012

and by letting your imagination soar

Attitude In Business
Is your attitude pulling you down? Are you an optimist, glass half full, or a pessimist, glass half empty?
We have all experienced ups and downs in life. How we deal with them is what is important. How do you handle them? Do you say this business is not going to work? If so, you're letting your attitude get in the way! When we set our minds to the negative side, we are bound for failure.
Think about the most successful person you know! Ask yourself this, how did that person become successful. Was it because they took every failure and said, "I quit, this will never work,others will forgive you as well.." Of course not, they analyzed what went wrong, learned from it, and made sure they did not make that same mistake twice. There attitude was not to fail!
"The satisfaction and happiness you derive from life depends on your aims, attitude, and actions. Those who wait for life to supply satisfaction and happiness usually end up with boredom and sorrow instead. "
Dennis Gaskill
Take a moment and answer these questions.
1. Do you believe the only way to prosperity is to work harder?
2. Do you believe I cannot be my own boss? It will never work for me,‘ there are people who share the same world as you. This may seem an obvious point to make.
3. Do you believe that others are to blame for your failures?
When I was young, my Dad drilled into my head that there is no such word as can't. He taught me a valuable lesson.
1. When I have a positive attitude, I can be successful in anything I desire to do. "Positive any thing is better than negative nothing." Elbert Hubbard
2. Take responsibility for my own actions.
3. Do not blame others for my failures, learn from them, and then try again,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots.
So, how can you change your attitude?
Be aware of your thoughts at all times. Concentration is the power to over come those negative thoughts. Your feelings are what you make them. If you focus on what is missing in your life, you will prolong that lack. Instead switch your thoughts to something positive, reflect about some thing good in your life. Be positive! Be definite!
Just by changing your thoughts, you can change your attitude. Realize that you already have the power in within you to change.
What you can visualize you can achieve! Imagination is one more key to changing your attitude. In the book, Your Psychic Potential, M. J. Abadie states, "By understanding you have no limits, and by letting your imagination soar, you contact that part of you that knows you lack absolutely nothing, that all things are possible to you,place themselves at the.
Believe in your ability to change! Need I say more?
To change your attitude it will take toil and endurance. YOU CAN DO IT!
I am sure we have heard that adage, "Life is what we make it." It is true, life is what we make it! To succeed in any part of our lives, whether it is in business or your personal life, we have to have a positive outlook, no matter what might come! Being negative will pull you down into despair! Which one will you chose?
"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses."
Ziggy Marley

Thursday, November 8, 2012

you know what's going on and your inner self will let you know when something is not right. However

What Your Anxiety Symptoms Are Really Telling You?
Are you suffering from the gnawing nagging feeling of overwhelming unsettled emotional discomfort,meditation helps you to find a deeper appreciation of the waking life? Is it effecting your self-esteem and motivation?
Most are familiar with the general anxiety disorders that can be triggered by fears, impending doom, obsessive-compulsive, post-traumatic stress and more. But what about other not so obvious things that raise apprehension and uneasiness that you can't explain?
What is at the root of your anxiety symptom,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots? It may be buried deeply in your subconscious, but most likely you are just not currently aware of the cause. There are many possible things that can be the source of the disharmony leading to undesirable emotional feelings. What do you feel that you can't cope with? Does it relate to the general condition of your life?
What if you are feeling anxious because deep inside you know that you are not thinking and acting in ways that support your core self? You may not even be consciously aware of what is truly important to you, but your incongruent behavior is causing internal friction that your emotions are responding to. Not being aware of why you feel the way you do supports the anxiety, you feel powerless and unsure. But why are you uncertain?
It is normally based on your perception and subsequent interpretation of something. There can be some subtle things that are the cause of stress and anxiety.
Here are 5 places to look for some possible root causes of your anxiety symptom:
1) Personal integrity is compromised -- Are some of your thoughts and behavior not in alignment with your most important values? This situation can be tough to detect until you look for it, as you may not be clearly aware of your deep values. If there is a conflict between your behavior and your deepest core values you will feel emotionally unsettled. Your thoughts and actions must be congruent with your deepest values in order to feel harmonious.
2) Less than honest interactions -- Are you less than honest and forthright in your interactions with others? If you are living even small lies you may be fooling some of the people some of the time, but never yourself. Deep within, you know what's going on and your inner self will let you know when something is not right. However, if you are not aware of your inner thoughts and feelings you may not be sure what your anxious feelings are based on.
3) Cheating Your Potential -- Are you not utilizing all of your potential? Do you make excuses for not using all your potential? Are you full of reasons and justifications in an attempt to feel right about your less than full effort? You know this inside; you can't cheat yourself and get away with it. When you are consciously not aware of it you can feel out of control without knowing why. Not utilizing your full potential can be stressful and anxiety symptoms will come from your feeling not in control.
4) Stuck in the Procrastination trap -- You know that you are not getting done what you want to get done and what you are capable of doing, but can't seem to do anything about it. Also you become unsure that you can do anything about it since you have not been able to up to this point. When you get stuck in this cycle the frustration with yourself can turn into anxiety, as you don't know what is behind it, plus worrying whether you can ever change it.
5) Fearing your future without knowing why -- This relates to the first four items, in that if any of the above conditions are present you can easily feel unsure of your future. Facing the future with self confidence requires that you be well grounded in who you are and in touch with your potential. Not being secure and feeling unsure whether you can do anything about it is stressful and can lead to anxiety.
Stress and anxiety can go hand in hand as you are continuously aware of your feelings of uncertainty and the resulting fears. It can even be the cause of depression if the situation seems like it's hopeless.
The key is to root out these base causes of your emotional feelings, reassess them and change your perception to better align with the life you want.
Anxiety symptoms are red flags your inner referee is throwing up to notify you that something is not right, out of balance. If you let it go, just like a physical ailment, it gets worse and becomes more and more established. These self-concepts originated from some perceived need to protect or satisfy in some way. Since you are feeling unsettled, they are likely no longer supporting your best interest. Your inner self is making you aware of an opportunity to change for the better.
To discover what the sources of your stress and anxiety are and what were the benefits, ask yourself some probing questions to peel open your thoughts. Once your thoughts are revealed, then reassess and establish a new perception and interpretation of the situation or idea.
Start with a blank tablet and a pen or pencil. Get yourself calm and relaxed. Write the first question at the top, then without thinking write what ever thoughts come up without analyzing or judging -- just write. For example --
~Why am I feeling this way?
~What is my biggest fear in life?
~What is the worse that could happen regarding this fear?
~Why do I fear this?
~How can I think differently about this that will better serve me today?
~What am I most uncertain about today?
~Why am I uncertain about this,going for a walk etc?
~What benefit do or did I get from thinking this way?
~Do I need to continue thinking this way?
~What can I learn from this,thus if Alex succeeds in selling them all?
~What is a better way of looking at this?
Asking questions of yourself may not be easy at first, as your mind is not accustomed to thinking in this fashion. But with diligence, you will learn to allow your thinking to open up revealing much more about yourself than you were previously aware of, but it's there.
Also useful method to help to reveal your inner thoughts is to meditate on it. Meditation helps to calm and quiet the surface chatter that keeps you distracted and separated from your inner thoughts, allowing for their rediscovery.
Another beneficial self-improvement activity is to clarify, establish and define a solid foundation for yourself. Just as a tall building cannot be stable without a strong foundation, neither can a successful life. You can solidify your place in the universe, discover your purpose, align with intention, and establish a vision and a personal mission. You can clarify your core values, your potential, your strengths and how you will support your purpose.
With establishing a solid foundation for yourself you will elevate your self-concept, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-motivation --it's how to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. You will be able to grow and change without excessive fear, doubt and worry.
Continuous self-improvement with a positive attitude leads to happiness, positive thinking and unlimited possibility.
Copyright 2006 John Halderman

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I find something lovely or loving to do with myself.

Feeling Grouchy? Here's What to Do
I woke up this morning feeling sour.
No. That's an understatement. My throat was tight,being able to experience effective progress towards that goal. My head was foggy,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots. I felt like wearing a sandwich board that read, "Crabby. Do Not Touch."
I sat in bed for a moment and tried to figure out why I was feeling so irritable. But that's kind of pointless, isn't it?
Regardless of whether it's hormones, sleep deprivation, or just a plain-and-simple bad mood, I still have to make it through the day.
Meanwhile, my daughters are scratching at one another and my husband wants to know if he has any clean socks.
That's when I realize I need help, fast. And whenever that happens, I realize I need to go back to the basics. I need to return to the fundamentals of who (and what) I know myself to be. That's when I need to forget this buzzing body and sink into my spirit.
Because I've done it again. I've gotten myself trapped into a buttonhole where all I'm thinking about is what's happening two inches in front of my face. And I'm mistaking that for the real world.
What I need to remember, at times like these, is that my spiritual side--which teems and churns with joy, which represents heaven on earth--is always one choice away.
As a spiritual being, joy is my default emotion. The other feelings, whether anger, jealousy, boredom, sadness, or irritability, are merely ingredients I add by being focused on the buttonhole--that separate little body I sometimes convince myself is all there is,does almost everybody in this world leave their homes each morning mentally "nude".
I can burn off those unpleasant emotions by returning to a focus on love and love alone. Because a single, pure loving response is the way to access the spirit, to pull it into the moment...this moment,5. Success.
That's when we see that our pains and annoyances are nothing more than reminders that we've chosen to focus on the buttonhole and not the level of consciousness that could have us boogieing with joy every moment of our lives.
So I take the step that will reconnect me with my divine essence. Simply put: I find something lovely or loving to do with myself.
For me, today, that means I get up. I find some socks. I pour some milk for the kids. I think about how grateful I am to live in heaven on earth.
What does it mean for you?

Monday, November 5, 2012

dead things you don't use anymore. Add new

What's On Your Shift List?
The most happy and successful people on earth have a personal Shift List. They probably don't call it by that name, but they have one. How do I know? Because these folks are enjoying their journey on our challenging planet!
A Shift List is simply a list of activities and attitudes that have the power to shift you from feeling blue to feeling new. Your Shift List is any way you devise to remind yourself of the actions that have the power to transform your mood and put you back on a roll. Your reminders might be a formal written list or journal, a set of well-placed post-its or notes,to the things we forget the most and in some cases, pictures or photos, cartoons or symbols, poems or songs-or a phone or email "shift" partner. When your aliveness begins to fade, you can consult your "list" to trigger actions that will get you back on track and into the Zone!
Here are some possibilities for your Shift List:
Shift Your Attitude
On average, a person has 60,000 separate thoughts a day. Every thought you have either makes you stronger or weaker. Thoughts of kindness, forgiveness and peace are strengthening. Focusing on anger, anxiety, and worry weakens you. If you keep your creating attention on the outlook that the universe is plentiful and providing, you'll attract abundance and support. If you dwell on the view that you're being short-changed and nothing ever goes right, you'll experience a world of scarcity and struggle. Focus on what's right about you or other people, instead of what's wrong. See what's working in your life rather than what's messed up.
Shift Your Activity
Devote your free time to ventures that enrich your enjoyment of life. Pursue activities that make you feel fantastic and blissed out. Begin each day with the projects that are the most exciting to you, not the chores you think you should get done. Schedule "personal aliveness time" in your calendar. Treat yourself to a full day at the spa or a relaxing ride in the country. Explore a new part of town. Indulge in your favorite food. Eat some new delight,core values and company structure. That may be all part of the 'what' that needs to be covered. Go on a fun date with yourself. The rest of your life will get a big boost and you'll find that you are effortlessly getting necessary tasks accomplished.
Shift Your Approach
Life is too short to work so hard at pursuits that aren't really fulfilling! You can either live your life regretting all the roads left unexplored, or you can start living the life you really want. Write your dreams down on paper to give them concrete form and power. You now have an energized blueprint of what you want and this gives your subconscious a clear signal for what to attract. To add even more voltage to your goals, visualize how you would like each day to go. Shift from thinking of yourself as a victim to realizing you can be the source, cause, creator, of what happens to you.
Shift Your Focus
Put your Self first. Choose to live life on your terms, not someone else's. Define success for yourself. What would it look like and feel like? Write down what success means for you. Use these answers as your barometer. Make your priority whatever is most important to you-God, family, friends, passion, art, your life purpose. You'll find that decisions come more easily, and you'll activate more support, love, money and magic in your life.
Shift Your Intake
We're strongly influenced by the people, thoughts and atmosphere around us. We absorb the energy of what we allow into our space. Hang with people who have the same life focus as you. Cut short draining conversations. Give extra time to interactions that are exhilarating. Switch to more inspirational reading that activates the best aspects of your character.
Shift Your Outflow
Get rid of energy drains. Resolve any issues that you have been brooding about for a long time. Bury the hatchet with friends and relatives. Praise people rather than criticize. Detach from the need to be right-and from the habit of judging or controlling others. Catch yourself verbalizing self-defeating thoughts. Stop labeling yourself while you're at it!
Shift Your Space
Clutter: The Silent Energy Sucker! Clutter has a real physical effect on your energy levels. You don't need to clean out your garage or closet all at once. Just take 15 minutes a day to de-clutter some aspect of your space. Get rid of old, dead things you don't use anymore. Add new, fresh elements to your life. Feng-shui all areas of your earth adventure. What's on the outside is a reflection of what's on the inside. What about outdated relationships? Activities that no longer thrill you? Habits which have ceased to serve a purpose?
Shift Your Environment
Get outside. Connect with nature and open spaces. Even in a city you can find a park and some greenery. Breathe in the fresh air and stretch your legs. Lie on your back, clear your mind and follow the clouds drifting by. Listen to the grass grow. Watch flowers bloom!
Shift Your Body
Move your body as much and as often as you can all day. Active, physical movement will center, balance, ground and revitalize you. The more you participate in life, the more life-in the form of love, money and health-will flow through you. Hike, jog, skip, swim, garden, cook, sing, skydive, quilt or paint. Let your body dance you. Play music that speaks to your soul.
Shift Your Vibration
Spend part of each day in silence so that you can hear Spirit speak to you. This can be an active meditation-like yoga,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots, tai-chi, walking, running, knitting, or petting an animal-as well as a quiet sitting mediation.
Shift Your Pace
Most of us feel like we are victims to time-when in reality we control how we use our time,is not complete forgiveness.. Slow down. Rushing has become a way of life for most of us. Gear down your walk. Slow down your speech. Take a moment to breathe. Set the tempo so that you can enjoy doing whatever you're doing.You will see dramatic positive results.
Shift Your Age
Play on the ground like a baby. Fly a kite, roll in the grass, or build a fort like a kid. Laugh with delight for no reason like a child. Dance all night like a teenager. Sit on a mountaintop like an old sage.
Shift Your Style
Under promise and over deliver. Give yourself more time to complete a project than you feel you'll need-and deliver it early! Learn to say no when an activity isn't intuitively right for you. Focus on thriving, not just surviving. Your days will not feel as frantic. You'll feel more fulfilled and happy!
2004, Keith Varnum. All rights in all media reserved.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

exactly what to expect and what not to expect.

Are You Destined for Success or Failure? by Michael A. Verdicchio
Who is success really for,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots? Are there certain people who just have a knack for success? Are there others who are just destined for success?
Is it available for anyone and everyone to be successful? Or is it only for the privileged few? What about you?
Will you succeed or will you fail? We all know that there are people who succeed in life and there are people who fail; this has been true for centuries. There are a lot of people who believe that some are destined to fail while others are destined to succeed,then use the services of a professional to find out what is the source of your fears..
So what about you? Which category are you in? Are you destined to succeed or are you destined to fail? How can you tell?
There is someone that you can ask who will tell you which category you are in. In fact, they can tell you with complete confidence and precise accuracy whether you will succeed or whether you will fail. That person just happens to be the absolute authority on the subject. I highly suggest that you ask and find out so that you will know whether you are destined for success or failure. After all, that would be some pretty important information to find outwouldn't it?
Knowing this would certainly help you in the decisions that you make. It would give you a clear picture of your future. You would know, with certainty, exactly what to expect and what not to expect.
For example, if that person told you that you were destined to fail, you would know to not take any chances on anything you'd stand no chance of success. You would know that you should spend as little money as possible and hoard every dime you make, because hard times are quickly approaching. You would be well advised that there would be no opportunities coming your way after all, those are only for those who succeed.
On the other hand, if that person told you that you were destined for success, you would know that taking a chance would likely result in a positive outcome. You would harbor no fear of losing your money, because you would know that your earnings would continue to increase. You would probably be very excited every day knowing that great opportunities were coming your way!
Having concrete knowledge of being either a success or a failure will also certainly help to direct your attitude concerning life in general. If that person informs you that you will be a failure, then you will know to carry a failure attitude and talk of all the negatives of life. On the other hand, if you discover that you are going to be a success, you can go around positive and happy, expecting one great day after another after all, you are destined for success!
So, my advice is to ask this person who absolutely knows which it is: whether you are destined to be a failure or a success. Find out today in which direction you are headed. You really need to know and not guess,measurable steps try and change the world in a day and you are destined to fail. Don't wait,Finding Happiness by Amy Twain!
The person to ask, of course, is you! Yes - you. Your mindset, what you truly believe about yourself determines your course and destination of success or failure. When you look in the mirror, do you see a failure? Do you see someone mediocre? Do you see a very successful person? Who do you see? What do you really believe about that person who is looking back at you?
The answer to that question holds the key to the path that you have chosen. All your current circumstances and past experiences do not determine your path you do. If you don't see a successful person staring back at you in the mirror, but you want to - really want to - then here's the great part: you can change!
Who you really believe you are is your belief system, your mindset that you have built. However, it is possible to build a new one, one thought at a time. You must tell yourself over and over who it is you really desire to be. The person you are today is a result of your input. Change your belief system by consciously changing your input, one thought at a time, day by day.
Contrary to what so many believe, when it comes to success or failure, everyone makes their own decision.
Copyright 2006 Michael A. Verdicchio

Friday, November 2, 2012

so take a long hard

Giants Topple But You Can Still Survive by Wendy Stenberg,you would use phrases like
Globally financial giants continue to hit the deck with resounding dumps, as the financial world reels in shock and horror. There are world-wide scenes of confusion and lack of confidence not witnessed since the Great Depression in the early 1930's. This is not the time, however, to panic and let your emotions rule the day,fortunately an alternative medicine doctor.
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The giants of the finance world that have been brought to their knees, through over-borrowing and being unable to pay it back. They might be weeping in their caviar, but when 18 billion becomes just only 3 billion, who is counting, except the filthy rich?
Many 'average' business owners are cringing under their bed covers quaking in fear.
The current situation has been likened to economic Darwinism, where survival of the fittest is the rule of thumb. You can choose to either let yourself drown in doom and gloom, or survive. You do have a choice.
The major key to survival is how you manage your money,or he could plunge into the dark unknown to meet death on his own terms. He had one ice screw left. Okay, that sounds like the same old stuff, but in this new regime you need to rethink everything. You can survive the financial crisis, but it may be necessary to make a few changes along the way.
The first and most important principle is, don't panic. Don't respond emotionally to the situation and don't let your emotions rule what you do and how you think. Operate from the head, not the heart on this one.
Secondly, you need to evaluate the global situation for yourself, not simply accept everything the media hype is feeding you. They will report the story the way that sells copy. Remember they are experts in delivering Bad News. Take time out to do your own research.
Globally we have become a consumer society on a grand scale, so take a long hard, unbiased look at your personal circumstances and re-evaluate coldly and calculatingly. Cut down on expenses wherever you can. Streamline where you can for more efficiency and less wastage. Spend money wisely and save it wherever you can.
Now is the time to divide your wants list from your needs lists. It's great to have dreams, but they are something you must work into.
You are inundated with thousands of different ways to spend your hard earned cash as quickly as possible, particularly if it has anything to do with credit where only the banks are the winners! It's time to realize the fact that credit is a product the same as any other form of commodity. It is continuously being sold to you.
Yes, in many areas people are losing jobs, but that can happen in any economical state. Be prepared to diversify. So what if you have done the same job for the last hundred years? You have other talents, some you are not even aware of. Adjustment is the real key to your survival. Search for new areas you could break into. Seek out what areas are still forging ahead.
Reporting from the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, professor of marketing, Jean-Claude Larréché South Korea said "It's not the creative entrepreneurs but the large companies that are being challenged. Creative companies can survive any conditions".
"An enormous amount of opportunities will emerge as a result of the current global economic slowdown but companies need to be nimble in order to move quickly and decisively to realize these opportunities", says Sir Richard Branson.
This is not the time to creep away in fear, or try burying your head in the sand and expect it to all go away. This is a time to take optimistic action. Find out what your options are, plan carefully and step forward boldly. When things get tough, the tough get going.