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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I find something lovely or loving to do with myself.

Feeling Grouchy? Here's What to Do
I woke up this morning feeling sour.
No. That's an understatement. My throat was tight,being able to experience effective progress towards that goal. My head was foggy,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Navy Boots. I felt like wearing a sandwich board that read, "Crabby. Do Not Touch."
I sat in bed for a moment and tried to figure out why I was feeling so irritable. But that's kind of pointless, isn't it?
Regardless of whether it's hormones, sleep deprivation, or just a plain-and-simple bad mood, I still have to make it through the day.
Meanwhile, my daughters are scratching at one another and my husband wants to know if he has any clean socks.
That's when I realize I need help, fast. And whenever that happens, I realize I need to go back to the basics. I need to return to the fundamentals of who (and what) I know myself to be. That's when I need to forget this buzzing body and sink into my spirit.
Because I've done it again. I've gotten myself trapped into a buttonhole where all I'm thinking about is what's happening two inches in front of my face. And I'm mistaking that for the real world.
What I need to remember, at times like these, is that my spiritual side--which teems and churns with joy, which represents heaven on earth--is always one choice away.
As a spiritual being, joy is my default emotion. The other feelings, whether anger, jealousy, boredom, sadness, or irritability, are merely ingredients I add by being focused on the buttonhole--that separate little body I sometimes convince myself is all there is,does almost everybody in this world leave their homes each morning mentally "nude".
I can burn off those unpleasant emotions by returning to a focus on love and love alone. Because a single, pure loving response is the way to access the spirit, to pull it into the moment...this moment,5. Success.
That's when we see that our pains and annoyances are nothing more than reminders that we've chosen to focus on the buttonhole and not the level of consciousness that could have us boogieing with joy every moment of our lives.
So I take the step that will reconnect me with my divine essence. Simply put: I find something lovely or loving to do with myself.
For me, today, that means I get up. I find some socks. I pour some milk for the kids. I think about how grateful I am to live in heaven on earth.
What does it mean for you?

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